Dampness above the stream


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 8, 2015
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New Zealand
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IMG_8770 dampness above the stream rs.jpg
C&C would be appreciated - walked up a creek this afternoon, it was a little dark under the canopy. Tried to capture the sparkle of sunlight off this bright green foliage, there are a few sparkles but not quite what I was hoping for. This is a approx. 50% crop, iso 100, f5.6 (the foliage was dripping so wanted to inc shutter speed to reduce blur - 1/20 sec, at 170mm, using a 2 sec self timer.
I think what strikes me here is the shallow depth of field; you're relatively close to the subject, so I think shooting at f11 and ISO 400 would have been a better choice in that more of the scene would have been in sharp focus.
Thanks, yes I was thinking the same thing as I was writing the thread.

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