Daughter/Grand Daughter Portrait


TPF Noob!
Nov 21, 2005
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Wine Country, Calif.
I took a series of photos of my Daughter and her daughter using one white reflector and no flash, per her request. These were taken in mid-November with the sun at around the 2:30 position in the afternoon sky. This photo has been cropped but not altered in any way. As I used no fill flash I would like to know if anyone versed in portrait photography can lend a critique on what could have been done better as I am always looking to improve my eye.

well, i edited your post to get the image to show, but my what a large file. you may want to resize this a bit ;)
I love the mother/daughter dynamic here. It's really interesting.

The thing that jumped out at me is the difference in exposure between the highlights and shadows. Notice how the eyes, especially the mom's left eye, are a little too dark? See how the left sides of the faces and bodies are so light that they've lost detail? This happens a lot when the sun is high in the sky (the few hours before and after noon). Try waiting until later in the day or putting the models in the shade. I think you'll get a more balanced exposure.

Anyhow, this is a great photo. Good capture of the models' personalities!

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