Facebook is down :(


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
So Cal
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I was uploading photos to my business page too :eek: It has been down for the last 20 minutes. It looks like Instagram is also down.
Oh no, somebody call the police!
You need to Twitter it so they are aware that it is down !!
Facebook still works for me
I prefer an alternative parsing f-ace-book! Lol
I'm thinking about deleting my fb account for about two-three years now... but the thing is, I manage fb page for my job trough my personal account so I had to use fb that way...

Although I admit, it would be interesting to see some of you on FB! Oh God how didn't I think about that earlier!

*Gone stalking!

I don't get the FB hate. It's a great tool for keeping in touch with the people you don't see often enough. Also the community page for our town is a very good source of info. I don't run a business but I assume it is a great source of free advertising. Using just FB, my brother and nephew started a charity/support group that has provided over 100 I pads to nonverbal autistic children.
Using just FB, my brother and nephew started a charity/support group that has provided over 100 I pads to nonverbal autistic children.
That's a really nice thing they did!

The world needs more people like them :thumbyo:
I don't get the FB hate. It's a great tool for keeping in touch with the people you don't see often enough. Also the community page for our town is a very good source of info. I don't run a business but I assume it is a great source of free advertising. Using just FB, my brother and nephew started a charity/support group that has provided over 100 I pads to nonverbal autistic children.

As an outreach tool, it's fine. When it's used for self-important showing off, then I can give it a pass. But that's me.
Yes, you do have to take the good with the bad, like with anything. I usually just ignore the "So blessed..." bragging posts. I come from a very large family (my mom has 8 brothers and 3 sisters and I have over 40 first cousins) and we are pretty spread out along the East Coast so it's a great way for us to keep in touch and share pics of our kids and updates on everyone's lives.
I come from a very large family (my mom has 8 brothers and 3 sisters and I have over 40 first cousins) and we are pretty spread out along the East Coast .
ok just wow!
Marija, it's not uncommon to have large families. My mother-in-law has/had seven brothers and sisters, and my father-in-law was one of thirteen kids. Most of my wife's aunts and uncles also had large families (from four to eight), so as a result, when I went to my wife's first family reunion, there were something like several hundred first cousins. No way everyone remembers everyone else, and it is a common exercise for them to start enumerating who the parents and grandparents were just to figure out where in the family tree they belong.

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