Feasting parrots


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 3, 2019
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Corozal, Belize
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I caught a bunch of them just eating and doing parrot things.

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Great shooting! These birds sure blend in perfectly with the tree!
Nice shot! Looks like a Monk Parrot. We have feral colonies of those around Dallas.

Thank you, sir!
I have yet to figure these particular ones out. I do have a book (a Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Northern Central America) which is helpful but it can be difficult to identify some unless they are flying.
Great shooting! These birds sure blend in perfectly with the tree!


They can be tough to spot even if they can be heard a mile away! Holy smokes are they noisy.

The amateur scientist in me has noticed that many of the birds here have yellow on them. That yellow is often a good match for the color that many of the leaves turn before they fall. Since there is no real change of the seasons here, trees don't turn and drop leaves all at once, they just shed sporadically.

Between the green and the yellow, they can be very challenging to spot.
I recently saw a sad comic about parrot ownership. Wish all parrots find owners who love them for their behavior & and not just their plumage. So your photo offsets those negative emotions
I recently saw a sad comic about parrot ownership. Wish all parrots find owners who love them for their behavior & and not just their plumage. So your photo offsets those negative emotions

That is the case with many "exotic" pets. People get enamored with the idea of the animal and give little though to proper care.

Years ago I wanted to get a true chameleon with the rocket-launcher tongue and independent eyes. I think that are just so cool and fascinating.

So I did some research and found out they take a lot of special care from the environment you keep them in to feeding them to even giving water. My research concluded with me realizing it was too much hassle to do it right.
That is the case with many "exotic" pets. People get enamored with the idea of the animal and give little though to proper care.

Years ago I wanted to get a true chameleon with the rocket-launcher tongue and independent eyes. I think that are just so cool and fascinating.

So I did some research and found out they take a lot of special care from the environment you keep them in to feeding them to even giving water. My research concluded with me realizing it was too much hassle to do it right.

You're the ideal sibling/child. You do not impose novelty on others.

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