first protest, any suggestions?


TPF Noob!
Feb 10, 2007
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Rhode Island
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im going to my first protest this saturday. it is a small group of people (5-10) who gather on a weekly basis to protest the war in iraq. i dont know much more about it but i was just looking for some suggestions on techniques,angles,view points, and any thing else you can think of. i really enjoy doing journalistic photography and i am looking for any suggestions.
you could try wide low angles, those always look nice in journalistic photos, also peoples faces and expressions are good.
bring a fast, mediumish lens (in the range of 40-80 or so). i shot my first protest on monday, and brought just my 50mm prime. it was nice having the extra few stops, but i realized composing my shots was a bit awkward since i was a yard or two from them alot of the time. however, since youre only shooting 5-10 people, im sure youll be better off than me un the crowds
I agree with shorty. Get wide angle shots of the whole group. Get down low, get high. Make sure to capture the emotion which will make your pictures a lot more interesting. Sets the mood.

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