

TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Calgary AB
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I am pretty new to photography in general as well as this board, I like the way this one turned out. So I thought I would post it and see what you all thought of it as well.
First, welcome to the forum!

I like the photograph - it feels like the daisy is popping right out! Nice composition, love the blurring of the background... very nice work indeed. This being your first post, I look forward to seeing more from you! :D
Welcome to the forum.!!! Great shot...great DOF. Hope to see more stuff from ya.
Welcome aboard, nice first posting agree with the comments above, but would add that you should play with exposure a bit, as the petals seem a touch blown, try spot exposure setting if you have one. Good luck. Ernie
Thank you all for the comments and the tips. Very much appreciated. :)

Welcome to the forum. :)

It is very blown out. But... that's what you were going for, right? ;)
Looks very artsy and works well. I like it. :)
ohh so spring-ish:) very very nice picture! and welcome to the forum :) ok I agree it is blown out but it gives an interesting effect

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