Ground Zero flag (detail)


TPF Noob!
Jun 6, 2006
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This flag was on display at Ground Zero in New York. I believe it was either pulled from the rubble or flew during the rescue efforts. People were invited to write messages or add to the flag in whatever way they felt best expressed themselves -- I tried to get some detail shots. In a way, it's kinda like a time capsule.

I remember this flag from when I was in New York a couple of years ago. We got talking to the guy who was showing it and ended up signing it. It's a fitting tribute and these photo's are excellent.
The Red Message on the second shot is a bit worrying thou, especially as someone else has written amen beside it.
Powerful stuff, what a strong subject and well documented... well done there.

As for the comments, without wanting to get into the politics, those feelings exist whether we like them or not, it is not the place of the reporter / photographer to judge - it is their job to record / report. Leave the judgement to those who desire to and for the rest of us to take a moment to go "hmmm"....

Good stuff.
~Incidentally, I think the "Amen" is pointed at the signature OVER the "hate" message if you look careful - which says "U Arian Idiot"...

Like I said, leave out the political stuff - thats for other forums... But asa picture series it's an excellent subject and done well -
If you have shots of the whole flag put them together as a big multi image display piece - it would be stunning and I'm sure it could get on display somewhere.

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