Happy Autumn


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Jun 20, 2021
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Doing a second sweep on some photos from last year, took this at Lake Kowaguchiko during the Autumn Festival there one night - a good framing opportunity arose and was lucky/quick enough to take advantage for once.

Happy Autumn by Tursiops, on Flickr
Unusual crop with subjects so low in the frame, but with the colors this works!
I like this a lot. It's a brave and successful composition. Don't think it necessarily needs all of the top because once you have taken in the colour at first glance, my interest is totally arrested by the people. Nice shot.
I like this a lot. It's a brave and successful composition. Don't think it necessarily needs all of the top because once you have taken in the colour at first glance, my interest is totally arrested by the people. Nice shot.
Thanks John, appreciate the critique. I was deliberating for some time about the crop but as it was shot at an autumn festival I felt the leaves should have a prominent display - However I agree normally I would focus more on the couple and crop the top at least a third. Thanks again.

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