Hey BlackRose!!!..............top this one Sugarbritches . Shot of the week.


TPF Noob!
Oct 4, 2010
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Here she is. I like me some web.

Man, I had some funky spiders around my house this summer. I kept thinking "as soon as I get a good camera I'm going to take some pics of these guys"

But since I got the camera for X-mas, there are no spiders around now.
Man, I had some funky spiders around my house this summer. I kept thinking "as soon as I get a good camera I'm going to take some pics of these guys" But since I got the camera for X-mas, there are no spiders around now.
Lol!!! The camera doesn't necessarily matter, mine was taken with a P&S. It takes a lot of time and patience to capture these little guys!!!
where do you all live to see these spiders??? Great pix! but spiders give me the heeby geebies
Its pics like these that drive me insane while I wait to get home and for my new Canon 100mm macro to come in!
Wow, awesome shots! Now I'm in Tampa...but I haven't seen any of these fellas. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right place!
Wow, awesome shots! Now I'm in Tampa...but I haven't seen any of these fellas. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right place!

oh they're around here :)
Well tampa gets much colder then it does here in South Florida. We didn't get o9ur first cold front until this week, and it went down to the 40s a few times. So Tampa might be affected more then we are here.
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