Hey, from Wisconsin


TPF Noob!
Nov 28, 2010
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I've always been a lover of the arts. Photography has really just embedded itself into my mind for the last couple years. I just got myself a new camera, a nikon d3100; my new love! I'm still so very new, anyone who is willing to help me on my way would be greatly appreciated. Im excited to see what this place has to offer.
Well, as a normal first recommendation, I would say to get Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure." This is a great book that covers the basics of the most important part of Photography. Exposure. It also touches on many other things and lays it out in a nice easy to understand way. Definitely recommend the book. Also, while at the Library, where I suggest to get the book at least at first, pick up any other books on photography that you see that might interest you. Check some of the stickies on the threads here they will have some great information on books and other resources.

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