How good is this shot??


TPF Noob!
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi! I'm very new, but want some advice!

To see the photo, click on the below link, and scroll down to
"The Sweetest Thing" - it's a black and white photo
- and click on it first!!

Please tell me what you think about it, and ask your friends to vote too!!

Thank you!!
I'm a beginner and want advice - do you have any for my photography?
what do you guys think?
Everyone else, what do you think?
Nice but the black blob bothers me?! Too much vignette too
I agree with EOS. The black thing is distracting and looks almost photostopped in.

No offense.. The baby looks good.

Also, be patient. This is a message board and not everyone will respond to your post right away. I know you want advice, but if you repost the same thread and respond like you did, you're less likely to get any..or very few.

Just be patient and have fun posting!
It looks like a professional studio portrait, and one of the classiest shots on that particular page.
seems kinda fake to me... almost like this person is trying to advertise or something... posting the same thing on different threads and all...
Its a photo contest, he/she wants you to vote.

People her are so quick to want to close/lock threads because of the tiniest things. this has to be one of the worst forums as far as things like that are concerned. "AH, TINY ARGUMENT, LOCK THE THREAD!!!", "AH, I DON'T AGREE, LOCK THE THREAD!!!"
It may be a contest page, but it does sound a little contrived. He posted it in 3 different threads. Why not post the actual photo. Why do we need to go to his website with all those google ads to see it?

I see what your saying, but in this case, I dont think that he/she is being honest.
The page was posted instead of the picture because he/she wanted everybody to vote on the site, notice the "[Vote for this picture]" button directly under the pictures. If only the picture was posted, you could express you opinion on the forum, but not vote on that site.

All i'm sayin is don't be too quick to make an assumption. Some people might be new to forums and don't know how they work, don't know not to double post, and expect replies to be fast
alright, alright, ill give him the benefit of the doubt.

I think the photo looks great, but there is too much vignetting.

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