Images from a Coastline...


Damn You!
Jan 21, 2006
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locked in the attic
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey there,

Been a long time since i posted anything, however i went for a walk a few weeks ago on this coastline and took a few snaps so i thought id share.

Setting Sun


Rock Formation








Thanks for lookin'.
It has been a while.
Nice to see that you still have it. :D
OK noobish question.
Is this alot of post work? what did these shots look like right out of the camera? That is the effect i have been shooting for forever and can never get it quite right.

Great work by the way.
All great shots but #1 for me.. Fantastic..

Keep going on these walks...
Thanks guys.

OK noobish question.
Is this alot of post work? what did these shots look like right out of the camera? That is the effect i have been shooting for forever and can never get it quite right.

Great work by the way.

There is post work involved yes, however i do make sure i get what i want in camera first too.

All of these where shot with an ND8 grad filter and exposed slightly to the right.

Then in post i also sometimes create 2 files and blend the sky in a bit more.
The real look to what i would consider my 'style' though is working with light and zones. As you can see in the second image where some may consider it a bit 'dark', i prefer to give the viewer areas of high visibility and low visibility in order to change focal points and give more interest. ;)
beautiful shots
Very interesting landscapes. I love the "pulled out" look that a super-wide gives to the sky. I also like the wacky perspective in the second image.
Thanks for the comments guys, much apprectaited, maybe i should get out there more often huh ;)

Could you post the original image of #1?

I shoot RAW so it will always be edited before i can present it here. Without much adjustment tho, it looks similar to above but with less contrast and saturation. I also work my little magic with the sky :p
Tilted horizons.Too dark,there is too much clipping on the rock.Vignette is bad.

The lighting looks great.Try changing these points in digital darkroom and it may be better

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