In the wake of rain...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Bailey, Colorado
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Fantastic image. I almost missed it.
Fantastic image. I almost missed it.
Thank you! I'm pleased that you caught it.
Outstanding stuff JJ :)
Awe. Thank you, Mr. Robbins!

Hey... none of that Mr. Robbins stuff... we're friends.

You can call me Tim. rotflmao
Oh, is that you Tim? I haven't recognized you since you betrayed my trust. I though my dear friend Tim would have never done such a thing, so I could only reason that he was eaten by a gorilla and someone else assumed your photo forum username, as well as your Adorama account. Sadly, I suppose I was mistaken-twice over. :801::biggrin-new:

Thank you!!

That is very,,,, very cool!
Cool, and a little wet! lol. Thank you.
Oh, is that you Tim? I haven't recognized you since you betrayed my trust. I though my dear friend Tim would have never done such a thing, so I could only reason that he was eaten by a gorilla and someone else assumed your photo forum username, as well as your Adorama account. Sadly, I suppose I was mistaken-twice over. :801::biggrin-new:

So, not letting that go anytime soon are we? Rotfl....
Oh, is that you Tim? I haven't recognized you since you betrayed my trust. I though my dear friend Tim would have never done such a thing, so I could only reason that he was eaten by a gorilla and someone else assumed your photo forum username, as well as your Adorama account. Sadly, I suppose I was mistaken-twice over. :801::biggrin-new:

So, not letting that go anytime soon are we? Rotfl....
I try and I try and I try, but in the end- I'm still an Aquarius with a Scorpio moon. I.E.- eternally attatched to every expierence.
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