Inked Arm at Concert


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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Got over to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Friday night jazz concert two weeks ago. Took my Sony a6000 and, as usual, found the some photogenic people in the audience. After playing with all that color on the computer, I decided I liked this black & white best. The difficult part was waiting for him to get the french fry up to his mouth so his arm was in the right position.
Got over to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Friday night jazz concert two weeks ago. Took my Sony a6000 and, as usual, found the some photogenic people in the audience. After playing with all that color on the computer, I decided I liked this black & white best. The difficult part was waiting for him to get the french fry up to his mouth so his arm was in the right position.
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Nice. Have a look sometime at Hamburger Eyes ( A favorite.
Nice shot, I assumed he was smoking a joint.

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