Iridescent clouds over a full moon


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
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Bailey, Colorado
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know I have other threads that need tending to, But I am hoping they will wait for me, as I was very excited to stumble upon this last night and couldn't wait to share.

We see iridescent clouds fairly often here in the mountains, as they are caused by ice crystals floating around in thin clouds which causes them to reflect rainbow colors. However never before have I had the pleasure of seeing them lit up by a full moon. The dark skies really made the colors pop, where as in sunlight they Become more washed out and you lose all color in the highlights.

Most days I wake up and think earth is a pretty boring place to live, and then some special days I decided to look up from Facebook and realize that it's pretty freaking wondrous.

(Disclaimer, I am still using voice to text so please forgive my apparent lack of literacy)




I dont normally share unedited images, but these are almost unbelievable if you are not familiar with iridescent clouds and I feel oddly compelled to share a JPG straight from the camera card to the computer. (and downsized to allow for uploading to TPF)


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Beautiful! Those photos certainly evoke a sense of wonder and magic.
Very creative and beautiful. Must be warm were your at.
Beautiful! Gorgeous blues and purples.
Beautiful! I love that last one, the position and scale of the moon with the colors of the clouds are just perfect.
Absolutely gorgeous.
@fishing4sanity Thank you, it is definitely magical every time I get to see them! It was extra special this time because I’ve never seen them at night and apparently it was also a super moon last night!

@jcdeboever LOL, thank you. It was about 18° yesterday when I took these, I nearly froze my fingers off. But, it did help the swelling in my wrist go down, so I guess that’s a bonus.

@BrentC Thank you! It is one of my favorite color schemes.

@SquarePeg Thank you. I agree, I think that one is my favorite too!

@pjaye Thank you for taking your time to share your thoughts!
I took a little more creative leeway on this one and just removed the moon. I love the shape of the clouds!

wow I bet that looks even more cool in person! I have never heard of this before either!
Lovely! I love moonbows, don't see them too often.

We had that going on last night, it really is a sight to see. I take it as a good omen, seeing as I'm into that stuff. :)
Don't forget to put the moon back, please.

Beautiful shots!

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