Is this a bad Business Move?

At any rate, this is the dumbest thread I have posted. I already did what I did, and there really was no point to this. Sometimes this forum is great, but sometimes it sucks. I'm doing something with my photography that hasn't really been done a lot, and I am making a living off it, and having fun. I wish people read my responses instead of acting like they do and then post something else that requires me to type the same effing thing 4 times. .

I have to disagree here I think your dumbest post was the one where you said you were quitting college to take picture at clubs professionally. But I do digress here, honestly in this situation I htink the best thing for you to do would be to suck it up, swallow your pride and, burn a CD for this person.
I think if you are honest with your self, and I know it is difficult in this situation and you think about it you will come to the realization that had you not had your little "mishap" this person would have a CD in her hot little hands right now and she would be spreading good cheer about you to all the other promoters that she knows.
The only other option you have in this situation is to burn this bridge behind you and tell this person if she wants a CD "F$#@ you pay me!!" and let thie chips fall where they may. In this case you have to realize as I am sure you already do this type of community I am sure is very close knit and making this big a deal over a CD could very well give you a serious reputation with alot of other people. While on the other hand if you deal with this professionally it may just give you more promotion than you even expected. The bottom line is this what would you rather want this person to tell the other promoters /club owners/club managers that she knows about you the good story or the bad one.
I am quoted in some of them but far to lazy to figure out which ones I am quoted in and which ones are not me.
make sure in the future you have a spare set of glasses-its important, i always keep my old prescription just incase I break my current ones, at least ill have a fall back even if they are wrong strenght
dont know about the business side of things though
I think why people are making you "effing type things 4 times" is because the terms of the contract are very unclear. In your first post there are very few details about the exact contract. That being said, most people on this forum, when they do free work, that free work includes some kind of digital copy and normally high res without a watermark. That is why people are assuming that copies of the photos were part of the deal. Normally when people do free shoots of models, the model gets hard copies or high res copies and the photographer gets some practice and a larger portfolio.

What I also find funny is that you asked for people's opinions and that is what you got. When you got those opinions, you got pissed that that what was how people felt. If you already knew the answer to your question, you probably shouldn't have asked it.

Just a thought.
Here is my opinion. The best type of advisement is word of mouth. She might think you "didn't hold up" to your end of the bargain. I would reconsider what you told her and give her a CD. Simply because she could spread bad publicity saying you didn't hold up your end of the deal. I do understand she can download any image from your website. You might be able to get away with having her download the images as well. Just remember in business customer service is FIRST. Don't let her run over you, but make sure she is satisfied.
The point I was making was that she requested a CD, when the deal was that I go there, hand out my cards, and people can see the photos and save them, including her. I don't give out CDs of images unless someone pays me for the night, and then the CD would have all the images without watermarks, so they could use them for future promotions, etc.
Because I made no money off this, I yes, did it for publicity, and giving her an CD of unwatermarked images would not, in fact give me my part of the deal: publicity.
My Lightroom catalog crashed the other day, and I lost all the edited versions of the files that didn't have borders. When she called (Up until then she had only communicated with me through text message...) me the other day asking for a CD, I told her just that. If she wanted a CD of the images without watermarks, she would have to pay for my time sitting at the computer and going through the pictures (again). The end result, a CD of lo-res copies with watermark borders, and bookings for paid jobs. That's fine with me, it's the same as her saving them.
A couple side notes:
I never said I was "quitting college to take picture at clubs professionally," I said I quit college to pursue a route of self-education.
I got angry that people were not reading the posts that I wrote and replying with irrelevant answers, not any other reason.
Well you pretty much did the worst possible thing you could do. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and swallow your pride. Wether you said it or no tshe heard you say you would give her a CD. I just hope for your sake she even allows you into any of her future events or at least she is small enough that she can't trash your name around town.
I never said I was "quitting college to take picture at clubs professionally," I said I quit college to pursue a route of self-education.

Wow... smart move. Good luck with that.
Well you pretty much did the worst possible thing you could do. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and swallow your pride. Wether you said it or no tshe heard you say you would give her a CD. I just hope for your sake she even allows you into any of her future events or at least she is small enough that she can't trash your name around town.

wow. like I said, people who don't read posts...
read: "bookings for paid jobs"

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