"it happened in the rain," or a question on trends


TPF Noob!
Jul 21, 2020
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Can others edit my Photos
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been seeing a bunch of online articles and reviews that for a year or so having your own rain fall machine was the shiznit of the photography world. That you became a major hombre by having even a crappy one built from soaker hose and hung in your garage rafters.

When you consider the BASIC concept is a hose with a lot of holes, multiple shower heads... why did everyone overlook the usefullness of high end shower heads?

Ive been drafting out a concept for a photo booth version that gives you a second utility as a special effects booth with small foot print.

I mean, 5 minutes to turn it into the black backgroun, white background, green screen to do stuff with. And enough area to put small bits of props in.
I live in Scotland and have no need to manufacture rain:D
Original poster is no longer with us.
I figured. Previously banned and banned again. Yup!!
......................could be pocket billiards:D:D:D:D;)
I( wonder if he is another troll named Poco?
That's what I thought Derrel. And I hope so Mike! Especially as the pointless gist of this thread seemed to be to get a photo booth and put a garden hose in it.
When he mentioned he owned a Vitomatic
He kinda outed himself
What kind of setup would be involved with having a rainfall photo booth? It seems convoluted, would need a tub, piping, pump.

Wouldn't it make more sense to achieve the effect in post using an overlay or photoshop droplet?

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