Its cold!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
Charleston, South Carolina
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
The things I like about this pic:

Its clear, it shows the emotion of a little boy who is cold and distressed, its symmetric, the water drops on his body, its an un-edited picture

The cons:

His lips look a little too red, I don't like the wave going through his head, he looks fat because he was kindve pushing his stomach up with his left arm, his hair is too dark, I took the shot looking down when the shot would have looked a lot better with some kind of background. The area around his teeth look really bad. The white spots around his forehead is totally my fault. The wind/sand was relentless. Sand got into everything, and a proper cleaning is needed after this.

Any thoughts would be appreciated

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His skin colour looks very warm (orange), perhaps you need to adjust the white balance for such shots if this is what your camera does in auto setting. Perhaps you already have one but, if not, get a grey card and use it to set the WB manually.
Is this sand or water?? It's better, he's less orange but the background's more blue. Maybe your exposure was off. Looks like a picture you'd like for yourself (one of those kid moments) so might be worth adjusting, otherwise I probably would pass this by. If it's worth working on, it might just take some time to get it adjusted.
Is this sand or water?? It's better, he's less orange but the background's more blue. Maybe your exposure was off. Looks like a picture you'd like for yourself (one of those kid moments) so might be worth adjusting, otherwise I probably would pass this by. If it's worth working on, it might just take some time to get it adjusted.

Its where the waves wash up onto the beach so its a mixture. All my pictures are just for memories and personal satisfaction but I still want them to be good before I store them away. Could you possibly do an edit here so that I can see what you did and learn from it?
This looks a little more natural to me.
I desaturated, increased vibrance slightly, removed the red shift, and added some noise reduction.


I thought he looked a little underexposed so I created a somewhat brighter version of the subject.


Cute shot.

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