Little Nicholas saves the day


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2004
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Brooklin, Ontario, Canuckia
Can others edit my Photos
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I borrowed a Canon A520 from work to show a family member so I decided to turn it on Nicholas. As you can see we had some quality time today. Got some funny videos to boot.




One green lollypop finished

Not a bad camera for a 4MP point and shoot

:) Eric
I had to google and find out what that camera was before I saw you said it was a 4MP P&S. I'd be very very very happy with that.
They are some really cute photos.
They're all good, but the second one totally cracked me up. :thumbup: Love the composition here. :) Time well spent with a P&S!!!
I don't think my wife and I could go back living on our own again, to quiet. With three rug rats around they keep me entertained and I have willing subjects to shoot. All three love the camera and Nicholas hams it up the most. I can only take one photo at a time and show him each one before he will pose again.

Be happy he's still so young not to mind at all. I'd so love to take more photos of my daughter, but at 12 (on Thursday, exactly, makes her 11 + 363 days, :)) she's become seriously self-conscious!
Mind you, Nicholas with his huge eyes is a very good model! ;)
AIRIC said:
. I can only take one photo at a time and show him each one before he will pose again.


That sounds very familiar to me :mrgreen: He's a great subject and you capture his spirit very well!
I love the look on his face in the first photo, beauty capture.

Great shots. :thumbup:
Oh, 1 and 2 are my fav's:D
I am amazed you got such great pics...I find it SO HARD to capture the right look in children! GJ:D

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