Lovely Saturday Night


TPF Noob!
Mar 1, 2005
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Arlington, TX
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Ahh, what a lovely Saturday night it is.

It's 22*F outside with the wind gusting to 25mph. The wind chill is in the single digits. It's misting freezing rain outside, and it coats everything it touches, instantly freezing. But no matter, I'm inside, fire in the fireplace, laptop handy, editing the pics I shot tonight. I'm sipping on a McWilliams shiraz from south Australia and nibbling on imported British white cheddar cheese, while an Italian minestrone soup bubbles on the stove. The dog is at my feet, the cats are curled up on the hearth, and life is good! Things could only be better if my wife weren't at work, and my daughter wasn't visiting her mom.

How are you spending your Saturday night?
weather is about the same as yours except for the freezing rain. we had snow earlier. i'm pigging out on hersey's kisses, pink floyd on the phones, kids asleep. it's been a quiet start to a three day weekend.
I think you Texans pushed some of that nastiness our way, Robert. ;) It's 30 degrees out there, drizzling/sleeting, and windy. We have our fireplace roaring at the moment, too! Not much else to ask for on a night like this. :lol:
Well, I've been hecka depressed all day so I've been sitting around doing stuff like studying the ceiling, looking at the wall, sitting on the floor, etc. Fun stuff, I know. As of now I'm taking a couple hours to completely reorganize my 5000+ MP3's, and then going to do some homework that's late because I had to work yesterday.
JonMikal said:
weather is about the same as yours except for the freezing rain. we had snow earlier. i'm pigging out on hersey's kisses, pink floyd on the phones, kids asleep. it's been a quiet start to a three day weekend.

Man, you have no idea how badly I miss the snow.

Argh. Seriously. There are few feelings like when the world is quiet with a blanket of snow. I can remember so many crisp February nights growing up in New Mexico where the stars were glittering overhead. The temperature would drop to -20* and the snow would reflect the star light back up. Ahh how I miss those days.
ShutteredEye said:
Man, you have no idea how badly I miss the snow.

Argh. Seriously. There are few feelings like when the world is quiet with a blanket of snow. I can remember so many crisp February nights growing up in New Mexico where the stars were glittering overhead. The temperature would drop to -20* and the snow would reflect the star light back up. Ahh how I miss those days.

i'm with ya. we get no where near the snow we'd get in VA...except last weekend was a treat. and you're right about the quiet. everything seems to come to a you a chance to stop and take it all in.

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