Major Upgrade from a100 to a65! Need help thou!

My advise would be as follows:

1. Your lens is really not the best option for that camera. It is OK, but do not expect spectacular results... I have used my SAL1855 with my A77, and have gotten good results, but it certainly is not the best lens (it does not hold a candle to my Zeiss 16-80 SAL1680Z).

Here are some pictures taken with the 18-55 lens in my A77 (the other lens was getting repaired), though, so that you can compare (these are takien without a tripod, so they could have been a bit sharper if I used one):



2. the disc that came with your camera shoul dhave the RAW editor, which allows you to set all the things you ussually set in the camera (WB, DRO, Exp. Comp., etc.), so that if you take a pic in RAW, you can always do a lot more editing later on. You can also do this with third party software, but this one you already have and it is free now for you (well, not free, but you already paid for it!). I recommend you install it and use it (I always start there in my post). Also, and along the software lines, make sure you get the new firmware for your camera (1.06 IIRC).

3. When you shoot, make sure you shoot from a tripod to eliminate shaky hands as the reason for the pics being out of focus. Regarding noise reduction, you can select between low, medium or high in the menus (dont remember exactly where, but its in there). But I doubt you are getting noise reduction at ISO100; make sure the creative functions are all off, as that is more likely the cause.

The A65 is one heck of a camera, so I do hope you get to enjoy it fully! Make sure you post your pictures here!

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