month six

Those eyes are huge...he must have F1.2 eyes :lol:
:lol: @ f1.2
and thanks NJMAN.
These are great! Love the expressions in the last two & great rich tones. I can't believe it's been six months already!
Yeah, time flies!! :)

Few more from today.





A tooth!
I can see his first tooth!

And he sure HAS f1.2-eyes.
That is what Sabine always comments on when she looks at Yoshua's photos, she will always say "Wow, those are SAUCERS!"

So sweet!
And he has so much HAIR!
I really like the second set. The last one especially with his bottom tooth showing. Cute, so cute!
Keep shooting (one of the big pluses of digital)
Kids grow and change amazingly fast...

(but train them too...mine is nearly 5, and often looks the other way and says "no photos Daddy!" Next thing I know I´ll be getting threats from her lawyer!!!)
Dan - the shots are wonderful. Great to see how Yoshua is doing. I especially like the colour series...he looks soooo happy! The combination of those big dark eyes and the winning smile is deadly. And that last shot, with the tooth showing, is precious.
Thank you all for the kind comments!!

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