My Exploration Continues


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Mar 29, 2016
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I've become fascinated with the study of chiaroscuro and it's transition over the years. In particular there is an American artist Jesse Lane, who combines the concepts of hyperrealism and chiaroscuro. Not something that everyone will enjoy, but the adaptation of the techniques he used to digital, is an interesting diversion. Comments?
Head 6x9 (1 of 1).jpg
Love chiaroscuro how images are sculpted. Maybe crop just under the arm pit?
Love chiaroscuro how images are sculpted. Maybe crop just under the arm pit?

Over the years, one of my "other" artistic interests was Prismacolor pencils. In building an image with them you start somewhat like a chiaroscuro (darkest to lightest), as you add color it blends, builds and adds a little 3d texture in the process. It gave me a sense of detail sharpness not readily available in oil or other mediums. I moved away from the medium primarily because of laziness on my part. The time involved in even a small piece can run into days, and my patience level just wasn't there.

Like all things Chiaroscuro evolved over time, Jesse Lane has taken both colored pencil art and the work of the Italian Caravaggio's use of light and shadow to a whole new level with his hyper realistic images. Check him out, he is really fantastic . His work is what I'm striving to duplicate digital.
Nice job, love it! I like chiaroscuro and I've always liked high contrast in my pictures but not everyone is onboard with that. The world needs more artists and people that appreciate art.
Just looked up Jesse Lane, very impressive artwork.

In regards to your photo, I really like it. Only thing that's throwing me off is the darks of her eyes. The two reflections in each eye, in particular the super bright ones upper/left, are distracting (to me at least).
Just looked up Jesse Lane, very impressive artwork.

In regards to your photo, I really like it. Only thing that's throwing me off is the darks of her eyes. The two reflections in each eye, in particular the super bright ones upper/left, are distracting (to me at least).

Lane is impressive in his ability to portray a degree of realism that goes above anything I've ever seen. The ability to achieve that in a digital image intrigues me. I'm not where I want to be yet, this being more of a proof of concept in the process, but I'm getting there.

As to the eyes, I debated the choice. The process I used involved multiple dodge and burn layers with luminosity masks, for shadows, midtones and highlights. There were many stages in the process that would have allowed for lightening the eyes, but ultimately I used the dark/light of the eye as a focal point or anchor for the image.
I like it! A little different from your usual faire, but very compelling and well done. Also, now I know what chiaroscuro is.
I like it! A little different from your usual faire, but very compelling and well done. Also, now I know what chiaroscuro is.

I try not to get in a rut, keeps like interesting. :allteeth:
I like this a lot Smoke, it's beautifully lit. One thing that does stick out to me are the shadows in the mouth that look a bit too black for my liking. Other than that I think it's very well done.
I like this a lot Smoke, it's beautifully lit. One thing that does stick out to me are the shadows in the mouth that look a bit too black for my liking. Other than that I think it's very well done.

Thanks weepete, the shadows in the mouth bothered me as well. I think I may have been following a little to literally, the advise of a "certain" member who said in another post "One of the things my old art teacher told me was most people don't use shading enough, when creating shadows they'll go too light. I think there's a parallel with editing; where we can raise shadows too much and force even lighting through the whole frame" . LOL That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :allteeth:
I like this a lot Smoke, it's beautifully lit. One thing that does stick out to me are the shadows in the mouth that look a bit too black for my liking. Other than that I think it's very well done.

Thanks weepete, the shadows in the mouth bothered me as well. I think I may have been following a little to literally, the advise of a "certain" member who said in another post "One of the things my old art teacher told me was most people don't use shading enough, when creating shadows they'll go too light. I think there's a parallel with editing; where we can raise shadows too much and force even lighting through the whole frame" . LOL That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :allteeth:

:bouncingsmileys: Dunno who that could be....:barbershop_quartet_member:

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