Neat looking tree trunk


TPF Noob!
May 5, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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I straightened these according to the subject because I just couldn't get it to look exactly right. Would you have straightened them differently?
I think the focus on the first one is soft.

Here's a black and white conversion of the second.

Not sure of your editing software, but both the color and B&W conversion needed the black and white points set, then just some tweeking hither, thither and yon.

Not sure of your editing software, but both the color and B&W conversion needed the black and white points set, then just some tweeking hither, thither and yon.

View attachment 28493

Hmm.. I don't know. I think that may be too much black. Maybe a middle ground? Something like this...


What do you think?
Unfortunately, we are both trying to make a silk purse...I did go overboard on the blacks in an attempt to create a bit more drama to the shot. If you go much lighter as you are suggesting, then you lose your true blacks and pick up a lot of middle muddy grays. I also did this as a color and ran into the same issue only intensified because of the color shifts. Reshoot, is my suggestion. It is an interesting image but lacks any purpose to the wasteland behind the tree trunk. Perhaps closer or from a different angle without the glare of the sun burning out the top right side of the frame. Or, perhaps a tighter crop, square I would try.You could also copy yours atop mine and brush out the areas you want a bit lighter. I would't use a brush with an opacity much higher that 25%.

What is your editing software?
This is the color one I did...took some liberties...okay, a lot and just as I finished, I figured out what was bothering me with the, Laynea, how do we have this much sun behind the tree and this much light in the front...did we use a fill flash from the camera, and at what power, white card it (big card)...and, and, and it makes me want to know so when you do a reshoot, how wwe may be able to assist you in creating the perfect shot. I am not your answer guy for fill flash, but bet there is someone out there who can direct you most expertly.

Anyway, here is the color edit on the first image...forgive the dinking about.

ceeboy14 said:
Reshoot, is my suggestion.

I have several other shots. I was trying to capture the sunlight, so they're probably all close to the same. Haha. If I do a reshoot, it will be during the next family get together that takes place where I shot this. It's quite the drive!

What is your editing software?

I use photoshop cs6.

ceeboy14 said:
Laynea, how do we have this much sun behind the tree and this much light in the front...did we use a fill flash from the camera

I didn't use any type of flash. :)

I like your color edit. It's pretty dramatic, in a good way.
Odd to have that much light on that side of the tree but there are lots of atmospheric reasons for it...some things should just remain mysteries. How CS6 experienced are you?
ceeboy14 said:
Odd to have that much light on that side of the tree but there are lots of atmospheric reasons for it...some things should just remain mysteries. How CS6 experienced are you?

I'm not sure how to go about answering that. Haha! I'm pretty good at the parts I use most often.. layer masks, patch tool, healing brush, levels, exposure... etc. What specific part are you inquiring about? I'll tell you if I know how to use it.

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