Need recommendations for books on PhotoShop and LightRoom


TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I would add Katrin Eismann's Selecting and Compositing - but the 2004 edition (the new one is plumped out with lots of useless crap and eliminates the use of pen tool.) - an excellent text of the process of amking an image better.
The Scott Kelby books, "The Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book for Digital Photographers" and "The Adobe Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers" are both well written. Kelby has a great way of handling technical details with a good layman's approach and language.
How many tutorials on YouTube describe all the Preference options and Convert to Profile options in Photoshop?

How many YouTube videos cover everything in the Print module?

YouTube has lots if stuff on it. You tube also doesn't have lots of stuff on it.

Plus, what stuff is on YouTube isn't logically organized, and search is dependent on how each video poster decided to name their video.
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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I've gone ahead and ordered:

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers (Martin Evening)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book: The Complete Guide for Photographers (Scott Kelby)

I'll add a Photoshop book (or 5 or 6!) as I get through the LightRoom and get further into Photoshop.

I do tend to compliment the book reading (yes I may be old school here -- lots of books) with videos, forums, etc. So I think these may do the immediate job of getting me up to speed.

Thanks again,


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