Nikon Camera


TPF Noob!
Dec 4, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Nikon Camera
- excellent condition, extra extended lens and more
- needs new batteries, has $150obo

Just PM me anyoffer


Looks like an N75 to me. It's the D40 of film cameras. Almost everything you need, nothing you don't.

Judging by the zoom grips, I'd say those are Tamron lenses.
Yeah, I figgured N75 or N80 because of the film back, maybe N75 bc of the two-tone. But if OP really wants to sell, should not keep it such a secret and describe what they want to sell.
Sorry about that, but it doesn't say N75 anywhere that I can read on my monitor. I even zoomed in on the image, and can't read the model #, and I know where to look.

It is more than likely that if I could have read that, I wouldn't have asked in the first place...

So, tell me more about the lenses.

"I would like to sell my car, please inquire for more information"
OP posted this on another forum. With very few details and only 1 post. Could be fishy, so buyer beware.

And the 1st image has N75 stamped on the front of the body.
OP posted this on another forum. With very few details and only 1 post. Could be fishy, so buyer beware.

And the 1st image has N75 stamped on the front of the body.

Now I can read the N75, I had to copy the photo and alter the exposure to see it.

Notice that OP's id is shakemelikeapig, kinda catchy....

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