No one celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon landing?

I had less than 5-10 minutes to get the shot before it was gone. That was my 50th anniversary memory!
That reminded me of another moonshot: Ansel Adams’ “Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico.” When he saw that moon and the crosses, he didn’t have time to find his light meter and had to estimate the exposure based on the “ known luminosity of the moon” and the filter factor, etc. He tried for a second shot, but the light on the crosses was gone.[/QUOTE]He made a LOT of money with that picture... over half a million dollars for one print one time.

Until my last moon shot last weekend, this was my favorite one I took:
Rare Super Moonrise & Mt Rainier @ Twilight on July 22, 2013
That supermoon photo is fantastic.
I didn't think there was a reference in the thread to conspiracy theories, I think it was to the Stanley Kubrick movie. You know...

Dave... Dave.......

Open the pod bay doors HAL.

Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

I have yet to understand the end of that movie. Cool mod '60s interiors though!

The book never made much sense to me, either.

I've been watching pretty much any special that has been on and caught something on PBS last night.

One thing that always jumps out at me is how good the film footage is when compared to the TV broadcasts.
One thing that always jumps out at me is how good the film footage is when compared to the TV broadcasts.

Amen! It's surprising when you realize that the old footage wasn't really crappy like you thought.
HA!!! Surprised this thread made the online version they send out via email:

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No one celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon landing?

July 23, 2019 • 20 posts • 448 views

Nature & Wildlife

jack58 said — I searched and didn't see any moon shots over the weekend? No one celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon landing? I thought it was a bigger historical event? I remember ...

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