
TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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This guy sings show tunes and like, Frank Sinatra tunes every Friday morning at work. He has a sidekick today. She sucks. It's like chalkboard scratching aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..

*stabs self in ears with pen*
I used to have a bloke who hummed all day. Growl. Get yourself promoted so you have your own office, or tell him - don't stress over it!

He's actually good though. His singing infront of the office is practice for him. It's the sidekick. Apparently they were drunk when they discovered they could sing. I hope now that everyone is sober they realize they should NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.
bace said:
He's actually good though. His singing infront of the office is practice for him. It's the sidekick. Apparently they were drunk when they discovered they could sing. I hope now that everyone is sober they realize they should NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.

How can you realise you can sing?

when I was at an interview kinda thing for work...we were all talking about what instruments we playd...I said to the main lady "Can you play anything" she promptly turned round and said "Oh I can sing..." She explaind she meant in the shower and things...I mean wtf? do you one day go "Hey mum, look what I can do...Laaaaaaa! good innit!"
yeah, I don't understand tone deaf people. I also don't understand how there can be so many of them to fill hours of auditions on American Idol.

I can't believe the judges sign on to do that. I would kill myself after the first two auditions.
umm. I can't carry a tune to save my life, but it sure doesn't stop me from singing in the shower or behind the wheel...fortunately for the rest of the world, that's about where it ends.

And speaking of which am I the only one who believes that kareoke (SP) is japanese for "Round-Eye too stupid to know he suck and tone deaf"?
HAHA :lol:

American Idol is a joke. I know some people who try out must be looking for their 15 minutes. Look at William Hung. Crappiest F*******singer there is, and now he has an album that's probably sold well. :er:

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