Organizing your collection-- esp. former Picasa users-- where have you landed?


TPF Noob!
Sep 28, 2019
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
A few years ago Google stopped support for Picasa, a computer program for organizing digital photo collections and for doing some editing. It also had a web-based component I never used. In any case, if you were a Picasa user, what are you using now to keep your collection?

How do you organize your collection and find photos within it when you want them?


Wow, a blast from the past, Picasa! I have not heard that name in a long time. When it first came out I was really into it but I never stuck with it.
I'm still stuck with it on a PC running Win 7. I really like using it to organize my collection. What do you use to keep your collection? How do you find pictures if you don't remember when exactly you shot them?
Only picassa I remember was an online file sharing website back in 2002-2005

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