Portrait of my grandfather


TPF Noob!
Jan 30, 2008
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thoughts :)
I am not really gettin' the whole bnw ish theme in this photo.
was your grandfather a member of the Blue Man Group?
I think there's a definite WB issue. The image has a very strong blue cast. This would be a really nice character study were it not for the bright areas behind the subject's head which draw the eye away.
i don't know if the whole bluish B&W tint really fits for this pic....
I think that if you are going to do a black and white picture, do it properly. I actually like this picture though, even if the crop could have been a tad wider. It looks to me like he is a wise old man, but with the folded arms I feel like he was a very hard worker in his younger years.

Good stuff
Looks like youre in trouble now!:lol:
His expression can be a thousand different comments.
I do like it, but would like to see other versions.
I like the angles of the background along with the slant of his head...
Is there some portrait rule as to how to level your shot ?
...like shoulders should be level ?
Very interesting. But I agree w/ the rest about the bluish tint - no working for me.
The blue toning works for me.
Too much space above his head.
His face is too dark. The bright lighting in the background is overpowering.

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