Pre Dawn & Dawn

Love them both, The pre-dawn a wee bit more. The rocks in the FG on the right are not doing any value add IMHO.
Both good ones...I like #2 though....
There are 2 set of rocks one : the smaller formation in the bottom and the other larger one above.
Would you please try to crop out only the bottom one and see the results?

Ps I feel the clouds in your edited version have been overprocessed. Leave them as is please and see if you like the image.
The rocks in the first image reinforce the shot to a huge degree, and the larger of the two formations beautifully echos the shape of the main,large, beautiful cloud formation. Both sets of rocks create leading lines, and are critical to the composition. Eliminating the rocks created a boring, featureless composition. What REALLY needed to be eliminated was the smallish, lizard-shaped cloud 1/3 in from the right and positioned on the upper right border--cropping that out or cloning it out will improve the composition tremendously. The rocks, both sets, add huge depth clues, and FORCE the eye into the image area.

The second photo, of the sun setting, is undoubtedly a nice memory, but is not much in terms of a composition or a picture. It's just another sunset, with almost no foreground interest; had your camera position been 35-40 degrees to the right, the lighthouse could have been a nice foreground element with a very long lens, but that would have meant being literally miles away, in another location entirely.
Im more partial to number 2 myself.


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