Question about lighting and salon interior


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May 28, 2009
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Cincinnati, OH
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My neighbor has asked me to shoot her new salon for her website and promotional materials. It will be my first time doing a shoot like this (I normally shoot portraiture / glamour) and I'm looking for any tips / suggestions.

My intent is to use my 16-35 and 5D3 mounted on a tripod and adjust the shutter speed until exposure is good. Maybe place speedlights (with CTO's) behind furniture to address any underexposed areas.

Jason, it is all depend on what kind of lighting is in the salon and how much sun is coming in. If the light in the salon is very warm you can do a couple of things:

1. Make sure the shot is not affected by the sun.. Shoot it at night and turn on all the warm lights and use CTO flash (or no flash).
2. Turn off all the lights and just use the sun and some speedlight to brighten the darker areas (ungelled).
Jason, it is all depend on what kind of lighting is in the salon and how much sun is coming in. If the light in the salon is very warm you can do a couple of things:

1. Make sure the shot is not affected by the sun.. Shoot it at night and turn on all the warm lights and use CTO flash (or no flash).
2. Turn off all the lights and just use the sun and some speedlight to brighten the darker areas (ungelled).

Thanks! I expect to be shooting after hours so doubtful there'd be any sun. The majority of the lights in the salon are tungsten can lights in the ceiling, with some floor lamps here and there.

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