Remote camera


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2012
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Anyone here try a remote camera at wedding triggered by pocketwizard? Was considering trying one for a wedding with the camera opposite end of where I'm shooting for the ceremony and then set up above reception.
While I have never setup & fired a remote camera for a wedding, I have used them successfully for sports like bmx & basketball where I have the time to setup and test a remote camera. The problem for me as a wedding photographer, I just don't have the time to setup and test a remote camera like I do with sporting events.
What camera set up did you use? I was think of doing the remote set up for wide shots.
What is your DOF going to be. How are you going to tell when your subjects are in the DOF you want? I use a remote camera sometimes when shooting basketball about 10-12 feet above the basket, but the center of my DOF is the rim and I only use it for dunk shots so I know what is going to be in focus cause they all got to end up in the exact same place if they want to dunk.
Focus point at alter for wide shots of ceremony with large dof while I'd be shooting more close ups

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