Right now I'm reading - The TPFOT Book Thread

Village Idiot

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Mar 20, 2008
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I'm always looking for new books to read. I even like comics, like The Walking Dead, Sandman, or anything else that's entertaining. So how about you post up what you're currently reading and a mini review so people can get some ideas of new books to look up. I'll try and post a photo of the covers and a link to Amazon too for mine.

The Sad Tale of The Brothers Grossbart

I actually read this last year but had to include it. It's about two dispicable brothers that travel the land searching for their father's treasure. They're villains in every sense of the word. What really sets this apart is that several other stories are intertwined in their adventures as fairytales with the real endings being told. There are no happy endings in this book. This is the first book by Jesse Bullington and had me thoroughly entertained. I think I read the entire thing in a weeks time during breaks at work.

The Wheel of Time: The Dragon Reborn

Right this second I'm reading book 3 of The Wheel of Time series. So far, I'm enjoying it but there's been some slow bits here and there. I wanted to start the series for several years now due to all the acclaim that it's received and due to it actually being finished (You hear that, George R.R. Martin?!), but it's not going down so well. Coming from reading several Neil Gaiman books that I previously haven't read, books that flow so well, this series has been dragging a bit and leaving me with parts where I'm trying not to skip because of my view of them being tedious or boring.
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Right now, I'm wishing I knew how to read.
If we are talking fiction books, the last book I finished was about a year ago- "The Davinci Code" by Dan Brown. Since then I read most of "It" by Stephen King but got about 70 pages from the end and my dog destroyed it. I don't get a lot of time to read fiction but have always been a fan of Stephen King.

As far as non-fiction I am in the middle of re-reading "Learning to See Creatively" by Brian Peterson and plan on maybe a couple of networking books in the future. I could be wrong Village, but I thought I remember you saying that you were involved with IT, any recommendations for beginner- intermediate networking books?
If we are talking fiction books, the last book I finished was about a year ago- "The Davinci Code" by Dan Brown. Since then I read most of "It" by Stephen King but got about 70 pages from the end and my dog destroyed it. I don't get a lot of time to read fiction but have always been a fan of Stephen King.

As far as non-fiction I am in the middle of re-reading "Learning to See Creatively" by Brian Peterson and plan on maybe a couple of networking books in the future. I could be wrong Village, but I thought I remember you saying that you were involved with IT, any recommendations for beginner- intermediate networking books?

Not really. I mean, we had O'Reily books and all the other text books in school, but most of my reading is done on the interwebs.
Ive been reading the Last Templar series by Michael Jecks. I'm into #17 -- The Tolls of Death. The guy is very prolific considering the great details he goes into creating the flavor of 14th Century England. The books should be read in order written since referrals are often made to events in previous books.
Since then I read most of "It" by Stephen King but got about 70 pages from the end and my dog destroyed it. I don't get a lot of time to read fiction but have always been a fan of Stephen King.

Hell yeah Maine author representin'.
I am currently reading Drylor The First Artifact by Ryan Tomasella. I'm not usually a big fan of Fantasy books but this one is actually pretty good.
Just finished Zero Day by Mark Russinovich. Fiction book about a cyber terrorist attack on the US. Great read.
I'm currently reading The Hobbit (for the umpteenth time), just as a comfort read to help me fall asleep. The last new book I read was Ken Follett's 'Fall of Giants'...great piece of fiction based around WW1. I'd also recommend two of his other books that I've read; 'Pillars of the Earth' and 'World Without End'.
My reading lists always end up rather long - I flit between book after book...

So currently on the reading list:

Daggerspell by Katharine Kerr - a strong Celtic base for this fantasy story which mixes your traditional celtic warrior and his honour along with mages, elves and more. Its also got a complex turn in that the story is unfolding over several time periods and whilst there is an overarching plot the timezones themselves unfold with their own mini-plots. The added twist to this is the rebirthing method whereby you've the same key characters reborn through each of these timezones (yet whilst its the character reborn they are a new person in that they don't all recall their previous life). Its the first book of the series and starts well and I've no doubt that as the series progresses it will get more complex.

House of Chains by Steven Erikson - book 4 of his "Malazan Book of the Fallen" series which is rather akin to the series by George RR Martin (A song of ice and fire - Game of Thrones on the TV) in that it tells the tale of a world through the eyes of a wide range of different key characters. However this world is far more magic heavy, with gods, spells and the like oozing out of every corner. There is also some big shifts between books as to the characters you meet since the whole story is unfolding over several continents and each book tends to slip down to dealing mostly with one over the others (with tie-ins with the other countries of course. Characters can also meet their ultimate end in this, though the high magic content also makes for some interesting possible returns.

Ok that wasn't a long list like I kinda promised - that's only kinda reflection on the fact that I was catching up with Terry Pratchett - I'd gotten way behind so did a marathon 10 or so book read to get all the way up to the latest one :)
As soon as I'm done with the 3rd book of the Wheel of Time series, I'm moving on. I hear it only gets slower and it's becoming a chore to read.

I think I may re-read American Gods by Niel Gaiman.

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