Rub A Dub Dub

R-NAGE Photography

TPF Noob!
Nov 16, 2008
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RJJ LR -3891-2 by Ryan Jensen, on Flickr
Any tips on how to defuse the light more in this shot? I wanted more detail in the bubbles to the side and behind. Soft box? Higher F stop? Alien Bee bounced off ceiling Nikon d600 with 28-300. 28mm 1/200 f3.5 iso 100. It was a cramped space. Thanks in advance
Maybe apply a bit of minus clarity in post. The light you created on-scene looks like it was fairly soft-shadowed, but the large, illuminated ceiling area does create a "source" for the big, broad highlights on the baby's arm, and the forehead a tiny bit, and the frontal planes of the face, and on top of the non-bubbled water. In a word, the lighting while "soft" and also diffused, is also a fairly "crisp" and "hot" source; this is a look that one gets when a studio type flash is fired off of a ceiling in a cramped space--it creates a lot of highlighting on surfaces that reflect. Still, I think that the toning down could be done in post, using minus clarity, and maybe a little bit of highlight recovery on the whites. Minus clarity ought to bring more detail to the bubbles.
I will have to go see what I can do in lightroom. I think it was too hot to start with and that detail might be gone. Good insight thank you!
The hot spot on his cheek will need to be fixed by cloning.
It look like the reflection was too much from the ceiling.
Perhaps try to emulate a lightbox with a white sheet suspended in front of the bathtub to diffuse the light.

(It would be easier to show examples of changes if you allow editing.)

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