Skate park


TPF Noob!
Oct 25, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
finally some intresting subject. again, i had a tough time with the low light conditions, but tell me guys what you think, and CC is welcomed.





5. (i wish i didnt cut his head off in the original shot...)

6. (my 1st night shot... not great)
well, I think the last one was not verygood, anyone else?
I like the vignette on the first one. It's also pretty noisy, but it doesn't look like you had any control over that. Not bad pics at all, for the most part.
Nice shots McSteller, I don't know why some people are criticising you so harshly, because for the most part you captured the action quite clearly.

I don't know why Sideburns doesn't like how you see the shoe brand of his shoe.. The shoe brand on it is fine..

aobolf, I agree with you saying that the last photo is nothing spectacular, but you should have added some positive along with your post. Not just "I don't think the last one is very good." Also, Shane probably could have found a positive in some of these photos.. Comon people!

I think the first 4 photos you posted here are the best. Overall good job. :thumbup:
The best shot here is number 2, I think you can do much better. Keep at it! Have a look at a few skateboarding magazines to get some ideas on angles and stuff.
thanks guys, very positive comments. The lighting that day sucked so i wasnt working with much, and i agree, that last one is... bad.
I think with a better crop #3 could be pretty killer. I really dig #1 and #2 as well. #4 looks great, I might crop more of the skateboard off, but it reminds me too much of an ad for a shoe.

Of course, with all this advice to crop, I must admit, I hate cropping my photos. Great work, and I really like the action shots.
I like the colours in the first shot, was there much work done in photo shop?

i didnt do a lot with colors but i had to brighten everything up, because everything was a little dark. I did a little bit of burning to the edges too.

I think with a better crop #3 could be pretty killer.

What kinda crop would be better, just to center the skater?
Not saying this is a perfect crop, I'm at work and we're pretty limited on software, but maybe look around at this. I made a black and white one too, maybe to spark your interest.



I enjoy the original just how it is too though.
That dudes wearing a helmet for freestyle lol.

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