

TPF Noob!
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
Hoorn, The Netherlands
Can others edit my Photos
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Just so you guys im still alive, here is another pic of my snake Spot. Been rather busy these last few weeks and didnt have alot of time to take some shots. But last night it was feeding time again and after dinner Spot always has to yawn to re-align her jaws


Thanks for looking
Greetz Daan
so she wasn't trying to eat the camera lens in her face then ;)
Great shot - very detailed
Ah, Spot is still as pretty as ever!
And your photos are still as detailed as ever!
Very nice to see a) you back and b) Spot! :D
Not many things scare me....... but snakes are 1 of them!!! It's funny though how we will still look at things that do frighten us. This is a great picture and the detail is amazing.
thanks for the comments :)
Corinna, im not really really back yet. But im still checking the site almost everyday offcourse :)
Skates94, im pretty sure thats just human nature. You always have to check out stuff that scares the crap out of eh :D
Very nice! I just fed my 7.5' Red Tail Boa (Cleo) last night. That give mes some ideas about the realigning jaw pics.
thanks :)
Its a pretty good time to take a good shot with the mouth open. And they do it after pretty much every feeding, so more then enough photo ops.
I shot this at F10 and a flash. Pretty hard to keep the focus on the eye and get the whole head in the frame, but it is do-able :)
I love that you can see the saliva! Beautiful snake :)
Excellent picture! That's really nice.

Is she a Ball Python or a Boa?

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