Some critique on images please


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Jul 6, 2013
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I have added 3 images from a while ago that I quite like and would like some advice n what I could have done better etc.

Image 1.
I like this mainly for the reason that I have never done a panorama before and was very pleased that I actually managed to do this as I am not so great with computers and editing software so it impressed me.
Exif data I can no longer find as I deleted the original files as wasn't that special but I think i took it at 18mm on a Nikon d5100 in program mode which was my first mistake as the exposure was different throughout and had to use the curves tool to try to blend the image to make less obvious. I used 8 images in total to produce this piece but was disappointed as it turned out tiny what should I have done to avoid it turning out so small?

Image 2.
This used to be my place to go to watch the sunrise and take the telescope to view the planets watch auroa atc, its a nice big dark lake to the right of the digger, but this has now been turned into a construction site to build many appartments that over look the lake, so rather than being upset over the loss of a great area its my project to follow progress of the work here.
Exif data
Nikon d5100
35mm 1.8 nikkor lens
S 5sec
A 11
iso 200
no filters
I quite like the colour in the lights around and the slight trails from the cars on the road. The digger I saw and was like this will work right here and liked the angle it was at but didn't like the digger behind it sticking out in the gap but the other shots I took didn't look as pleasing as this one did.

Image 3.
Exif data
Nikon d5100
35mm 1.8 nikkor lens
S 2 sec
A 10
iso 200
This one I like the most from all 3, and enjoy the curves of the river and the paths, The light on the left side I attempted to put on the edge of the image to watch them flow down the paths and I like the shimmering reflections in the water. I cant really fault it too much but I didn't like the right side of the image the large chimney over, but I liked the bridge so couldn't crop it out.

The second and third image was edited very slightly using Nikon View NX and converted from RAW to JPEG. I know 35mm is not a great lens for landscapes especially on crop sensor camera but I just got this lens and was playing around with it.

The pano #1 looks good to me, overall. I dislike the picture format of #2, the crop doesn't suit the image, which is a bit weak in some ways. (Maybe better in B&W?, I appreciate the coloured points of light, and the more muted red of the digger in the darkness, but it maybe needs stronger contrast between the sky and the digger, a 'fast film' grainy look* to the image, and a squarer picture format, showing more of the foreground nearer the camera.) #3 looks very good.

*E.G - Delta 3200 or Rollei IR400, (DXO FilmPack).
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I agree: shot #3 looks very good. Nice vantage point, and a simple and logical composition for the subject matter.
Thanks for the comments, I was hoping to be beaten with a stick in terms of things I needed to improve.

Image 2 was kind of tricky to get maybe some filter could have helped? the strong city lights to the left and the darkness to the right I couldn't get it to stand out much more than that, Before I changed the settings to the PC and calibrated screen it did look slightly better but now with the new settings I am using I also agree it blends in to much. Maybe IF we ever get a clear night again the image could be better with a clear sky rather than a foggy sky but I don't know.

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