Starlings and Dove


Level 40 Squirrel Warrior
Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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One of these days, I'll go out and expand my horizons and try other things than birds, but for now, more birds. It's been brutally hot lately, so I haven't even gone out on the trail. It was 104F 40C with a heat index of 109F 42.8C today, and absolute drain.

1 Starling (male)
jul07202201 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

2 Starling (female)
jul07202202 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

3 Housefinch landing
jul07202203 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

4 White-wing dove
jul07202204 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

5 White-wing dove landing - I clipped the heck out of the tail and wings but decided to keep the photo, because even with the clipping I liked it.
jul07202205 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
Super set, Jeff! I think I like #4 best.

I don't miss the triple digit heat in Tejas. I remember one year when I was living in Austin we broke a record for having (don't quote me on this, I might be a day or two off, been awhile) 83 days straight of triple digit heat. One of the days hit 107 if I recall with the index being 113. I remember I'd ridden my motorcycle to work that day and I was totally miserable riding home. The engine heat like to fried my legs.
Super set, Jeff! I think I like #4 best.

I don't miss the triple digit heat in Tejas. I remember one year when I was living in Austin we broke a record for having (don't quote me on this, I might be a day or two off, been awhile) 83 days straight of triple digit heat. One of the days hit 107 if I recall with the index being 113. I remember I'd ridden my motorcycle to work that day and I was totally miserable riding home. The engine heat like to fried my legs.
Thanks! Yep, we are expecting triple-digits for the next week or so, then a cold front moves in and drops the temps into the 90s...
A very nice set.....
Great set but 1,2 and 4 are stand outs for me.
Thank you!
Very nice. I have been thinking about setting up on our feeders, these pics have just sealed it I believe. We get several birds at the feeders and Cottontail rabbits underneath cleaning up what the birds knock out.
Very nice. I have been thinking about setting up on our feeders, these pics have just sealed it I believe. We get several birds at the feeders and Cottontail rabbits underneath cleaning up what the birds knock out.
Thanks! I had to get a squirrel-proof feeder, because the squirrels were hogging all the seed and chasing the birds away. They do scavenge on the ground now, along with a rabbit.
Here is a Morning Dove I got with new Sigma Lens, it's on the ground under our bird feeders.

Morning Dove-1-Resized.jpg
Here is a Morning Dove I got with new Sigma Lens, it's on the ground under our bird feeders.

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We have mourning doves and white-wing doves around here. I can imitate their call, and they give me a head-tilt look when I do it.

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