

TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2005
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Cleveland Hts., Ohio
Just came across a raft of unexpired - April 2008 - film for the Polaroid SX-70, and am finally going to get some use out of my Model II, which up to now has been an attractively designed artifact with little practical application. Any experienced SX-70 users with salient pointers, suggestions, caveats, etc.?
Fresh Time Zero film - really? Wow. Thought it was all gone.

No major recommendations.... Try to avoid using it in extreme temps (hot or cold), or you'll notice a color shift with this film. I mainly used my camera outside, and felt I got better color on sunny days when I kept the sun behind me.

I have two of these SX-70 cams now that are nice antiques....although you can buy P-film for them again, it's just not true Time Zero film. But it beats fooling around with the 600 film and remembering to use a ND filter to make up for the film speed difference. ;)

*sigh* I miss Time Zero film for the fun of the Polaroid manipulations. Best thing Edwin Land never meant to have happen. :razz:
Nope, not authentic Time Zero, the other stuff from Europe. As I won't be doing manipulations, that doesn't bother me. I'm conceptualizing using it as a high-end SLR Holga of sorts....

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