

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2006
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nice. Nearly there, i think if you make the ground and its colors look more realistic then would definately make one wonder.
That looks like it came out of "Lost in Space" before it went colour.

Weird and very good.
nice. Nearly there, i think if you make the ground and its colors look more realistic then would definately make one wonder.

Realism is overrated.

That looks like it came out of "Lost in Space" before it went colour.

Weird and very good.

Thanks, you got it.
That's pretty cool - I like it.

What is it?
Is that full of... beer?? Just joking :) -- Nice shot. It does get the imagination going.
That's pretty cool - I like it.

What is it?

Is that full of... beer?? Just joking :) -- Nice shot. It does get the imagination going.

...That would be awesome. In fact, I would consider moving to wherever this is. (I just hope it's refrigerated.)

Beer-gon Take Me Away !!

Thank you everyone. If it were full of beer, it would be all the same to me as I don't drink. Now, if it were packed full of chronic as a plaster burro being shipped to Canada, well, maybe it'd be a different story.

It is a teleporter- I seen it work. It was very wierd. A guy climbed in and disappeared. There was a 'fzzzzt', sound and poom, he was gone. A little steam came off the side of the orb thing and it smelled a bit like burnt hair. As far as I know he must have come out somewhere, but it was somewhere else, not here.

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