Tell him he's somewhat wrong!


TPF Noob!
Apr 11, 2008
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somewhere near Houston!
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello everyone, here's to my first picture post, so I was thinking they were my favorite. Until my husband said different, so tell me are they that bad?

p.s (sorry if too big)

p.s.s after trying to figure out the size deal I forgot if I was even in the right thread for this so sorry if not



I think they are good shots. Good framing, good focus, good lighting.
For family shot there is nothing to add.
They are family snapshots, and they are good at that.
Blowing the bubbles, concentrate on the mouth and the bubbles, eliminate everything else possible. Lobster in the hand, concentrate more on the hand holding it, great detail there. The look on face number three is priceless. Get in closer. Not bad. Look at photography magazines and kids magazines and any other magazine on a subject you like and look at the photographs. I'm not saying copy them but notice what grabs your attention and try to emulate it in your work. Keep it up.
These are nice shots, I agree with the other posters. Watch your exposure, #2 is slightly overexposed and so is #3. #3 has a hazy cast washing over the whole photo resulting in lack of contrast due to overexposure. Also watch shooting towards the sun. I think that is the problem with a couple of these. Choose an angle with your back to the sun on bright days if possible.
They're not bad, just basic family snapshots though. Keep the background in mind and try to get something more uniform. They also look like they could use a little contrast or something.

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