The E-1...Still pumping!

Thomas V

TPF Noob!
Mar 25, 2024
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Raeford, NC USA
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Oh, it's great to see users of Olympus cameras grouped together! See I'm new to this group and wanted to introduce myself a bit. As a young guy, the OM-1 film camera was my first new camera and what a sweet thing that was! Now moving into the digital days there wasn't much that sparked my....that is until the E-1. Gosh, did the spec's intrigue me, but I was pushed off due to the price then. Some three or four latter I found an eBay listing for ten E-1's with a great "Buy It Now" price! (To be truthful, I had an Olympus E-20n and still have today, but I really missed the lens changeability I really liked.)
I'm no pixel chaser so the 5MP Kodak CCD is perfectly fine for me and although I can in the E-1, I rarely NEED to shoot using the RAW setting. Being designed as a pro level camera the body is well sealed. While not submersible it's great in rainstorms for the art of it.


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