The Lonely Tree


TPF Noob!
Apr 18, 2008
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
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i love it...i have yet to find a single solitary tree in an open field all by itself....i cant wait...hehe you always remember your first they say...i assume you already know its underexposed but i also assume thats the effect you were going for and it works...
I really like it. Its "dreamy". Like a thing you would be drawn to if you were alone to feel a little better about your situation.
absolutely great.
my CC is not even an improvement but merely a possibility.
since its been called dreamy, and seems to have this "sad" emotion to it. did you contemplate touching it with a slight blue or moving the color temperature to a cold one?
I really like it, I just think it needed a sharp point of focus, somewhere on the tree.
I like that, did you do something to get the fog around the tree or is that actually fog
I love this shot... I don't see any room for improvement.
and this months contest is trees.
*hint hint*

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