“The Lurking Reaper…”


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Aug 2, 2015
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“The Lurking Reaper…”
ISO 100
1/125 Sec.
24 - 70 mm - f/2.8G
44 mm

Incandescent Light & Rapid Westcott Kit 26" Octa Softbox OCF Right SB 700, Using Phottix/Odin II System

(Processed In LR, Color Efex Pro 4, & Silver Efex Pro2)


Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.


I'm really not sure what to make of this photo. The model's eyes peering out from behind the mask look really sinister. Yet, this is totally undermined by the goofy skull and the clothing - the sport socks and white trainers??? Also, loitering on the stairs is a little odd - not a horror scene.

I don't think the post processing works either. Looks like some pseudo hdr effect, caused by ramping up the highlight slider, which has made it look a little grainy.

Sorry to sound harsh. You've got an interesting idea, although the execution (pardon the pun) really lets it down.
I'm really not sure what to make of this photo. The model's eyes peering out from behind the mask look really sinister. Yet, this is totally undermined by the goofy skull and the clothing - the sport socks and white trainers??? Also, loitering on the stairs is a little odd - not a horror scene.

I don't think the post processing works either. Looks like some pseudo hdr effect, caused by ramping up the highlight slider, which has made it look a little grainy.

Sorry to sound harsh. You've got an interesting idea, although the execution (pardon the pun) really lets it down.

I hate to admit it but you are not being harsh, you are being truthful & I agree with what you said...thank you for your candor!

I heightened the highlight slider in an effort to reduce the shadow over his right shoulder...(didn't work!!! lol)


I love shooting conceptual work, but the key is planning! You have to plan out everything, the wardrobe, props, location, theme, and most important the story behind the photo. This all needs to be done before you pick up the camera, you may not think it matters but it will really help bring everything together.
Keep at it though, conceptual work is a lot of fun! :)

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