The Wife.


TPF Noob!
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

What do you think?
Looks good to me Platano. No expert on portraits - got a few on my flickr but the image looks very natural and well composed.

She's pretty too.

Not sure this one quite made it nice pose and expression. The focus on the face seems just a bit soft, and the bright, white areas image right distract the eye from the subject's face. I think I would try a reshoot paying particular attention to focus, and having her wear darker clothes.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

Not sure this one quite made it nice pose and expression. The focus on the face seems just a bit soft, and the bright, white areas image right distract the eye from the subject's face. I think I would try a reshoot paying particular attention to focus, and having her wear darker clothes.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.


I partially agree, but partially disagree. I think bright white clothing would fit the bed theme better and would look more approachable (unless you're going for dark/moody). If you shoot it again with white, maybe try to get really close to overexposing it (without blown highlights) to really liven it up. A bit more brightness on the face would also be good.
I like it very much, and the things that bother others don't bother me. The soft focus works for me and I wouldn't make her face any lighter. The only small issue I have with it is that the floral print is very obtrusive and competes for attention, and even that isn't a big deal.

In theory, a redo might help, but I wonder if you could ever duplicate that terrific expession on her face.
I would lighten it up a bit. I like the soft focus, adds to the character of it.
Thanks for the tips guys. I will try to take a few more with lighter colors. :D
I don't think it is so much the lighter colors as it is if you just did a slight curves adjustment and levels adjustment in PS. Maybe some brightness/contrast.

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