Through her eyes


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Jun 17, 2005
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Irvine, Orange County, CA
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So I needed a shot for a school contest. I still can't decide if I want to throw this picture into the abstract or self-portait category (I hate pics of myself so figured a silouette would be different). Got the idea from woodsac awhile ago =D Thanks for the inspiration.

I just love this picture.. You can see the image in the eye!! very nice.. The contrast is also very good.. Nice job!
I think it would be quite an exceptional self-portrait!
i have also tried this one (when i saw woodsac's..) but yours is so crisp.. awesome job!!
emo said:
i have also tried this one (when i saw woodsac's..) but yours is so crisp.. awesome job!!

It seemed to me the trick was to give her the remote after it was all set up and tell her to just hold down the button until it took 15 or so shots. I noticed as I was focusing on her eye manually she tended to slightly drift back and forth (probably because you seem to move more when trying to hold still :lol:) so I used the volume approach to make sure at least 1 shot was in the focus plane.
this is amazing! you must have had a hard time when shooting this :D this is great for self-portrait submission

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