today,,, CC


TPF Noob!
Jun 20, 2010
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sorry i look so sad, lmfao. :greenpbl:

Sad because your hat blew off? :D
Yes, :lol:

I had to chase it many-a-time through the big open field 'cause it was windy today.
its always weird to look at shots like #2 when people compose the subject on the left side. I guess it's just the way eyes work, they always look on the right side first..

Maybe add some light to the face? Dunno if you purposely made it that dark though.
Light is probably a good idea. Thank you, :thumbup:
Just kidding. This one is a better shot than Two, I think.

Depends on your culture, but those who read left to right, enter images from the left.
Most people tend to try and focus on the eyes, which is difficult to do in the last photo. Were you determined to relocate where the focus of this photo?
Most people tend to try and focus on the eyes, which is difficult to do in the last photo. Were you determined to relocate where the focus of this photo?
nah, I'm not super technical or anything I just focus quick 'n go. Tedious work going from in front of the tripod to behind it, alone without help :(

Depends on your culture, but those who read left to right, enter images from the left.
I'm more used to reading Japanese comics, I think, lol. I'm best reading right-to-left... ;)
I like the close-up of the grasses. Just yesterday, I parked right next to a field of the same,exact kind of grass, and as I looked out the car window I thought about how beautiful it was. Yours is ahead of ours. Small world.

I'm not much of a fan of the second, thirds, or fourth photos...just not much going on in them visually, whereas the first photo seems to have some warmth to its processing, and the subtle interplay of the depth of field effects gives the eye a visual challenge, which the latter shots just do not offer.
#2's good. Crop 1/4 off the right side.
The last shot just seems to lose your face in it.

However you look at it - doing self shots and putting them up for C&C takes guts :) so kudos to you!
I think the fourth one would be great if we could actually see your face.
I like the pose, it's classic - sans the cliche sweet smile.

LUV what you're wearing - where did you get that shirt? my sister is looking for one just like it :)

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