Top ten most irritating phrases...

*common phrase said to artists as they sit at their easels working*
"did you draw that"

*the photographer edition*
"did you take that"
The made up word 'supposably' bothers me but, luckily, I don't hear it often.
"My bad"...........................:gah:.....makes me crazy!!!!
^^^ The original researchers are in the UK, so it could be that they say it that way "over there"

Which have you heard most often: At this moment in time or At this point in time? :)

As compiled by Oxford* researchers:

1 - At the end of the day
2 - Fairly unique
3 - I personally
4 - At this moment in time
5 - With all due respect
6 - Absolutely
7 - It's a nightmare
8 - Shouldn't of
9 - 24/7
10 - It's not rocket science

(*possibly tempra, ferny, lostprophet, becky, Alex_B, Sandie, Gela etc during the recent Oxford meetup?)

Well... With all due respect, I personally think it's not rocket science to figure out that tempra, ferny, lostprophet, becky, Alex_B, Sandie, Gela ect shouldn't of made this list at this moment in time. At the end of the day, aren't all of these phases fairly unique? Absolutely!!! It's a nightmare to think people not using these phases 24/7.
The one that does it for me is...

You have been warned about your behaviour before, this is you last chance, the next time it will be a permanent ban.
The one that does it for me is...

You have been warned about your behaviour before, this is you last chance, the next time it will be a permanent ban.

that's allright.... just start a new user name under "teefpaste".... nobody will know the difference...
It's comical - when they really meant LMAO

huh - when they really meant to say "Pardon me, I did not hear what you said. Do you mind repeating that".

Gone in sixty seconds - when it actually took 1,119 posts.
Irregardless - another made up word that really sets you apart at dinner parties :lol:


I know someone that uses this all of the time and she thinks she's always the smartest person in the room. She's actually used it AFTER I used a sentence with 'regardless' in it - like she's correcting me.

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