Tower Grove Park St. Louis


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Got by the park this morning and took along a macro lens thinking I'd get a few magnolia blossoms. Unfortunately a recent little freeze a couple nights ago quashed that idea. So no flower closeups. I had to settle for a couple scenics but I'd only brought that one 90mm lens which on a crop sensor is in the telephoto range (135 equiv). Not my customary way of seeing things but I gave it go. Fuji X-T2 w/90m Elmar.


Been many years since I've been there. One thing St. Louis has is a lot of parks and recreational areas.
I used to encounter this problem sometimes when all I took was my 105mm Sigma macro lens. The show must go on! 🌞

You must have been a kilometre away to get these! 😄
Very nice images! Here is where I appreciate my Tamron 18-400mm. It allows me to get within 10" at 400mm creating a pseudo-macro, while giving me 18mm for wide-angle landscape shots.
Been many years since I've been there. One thing St. Louis has is a lot of parks and recreational areas.
I'm close to Tower Grove. Henry Shaw donated the park with the stipulation that the city maintain it as an arboretum. Most folks don't realize the park contains over 300 species of trees. It's a gem.

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